Charging for Care and Support Services image

Charging for Care and Support Services

Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to providing high-quality services to meet the needs of the people in Dundee. We arrange care and support services to help people to live as independently as possible in their own homes wherever it is practical, sensible and safe to do so.

The Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 and the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 allows us to make a charge for certain social care and housing support services. Charges made for services are used to provide services for you in Dundee.

How the charges may affect you

This information helps to explain how the charges might affect you.

We will assess your needs and arrange services to support you and your carers. When you are being assessed for a service your care and other support needs will be identified. The services you receive may be delivered in your own home, a day centre or in your local community.

Charges will be based on the type of service delivered and not on the location and provider of any service you receive. In addition as part of this assessment we will offer you a financial assessment and benefits check to make sure that you are receiving all of the welfare benefits you are entitled to.

We arrange services after assessing people's needs to support people and their carers.

This information provides details of the charges (i.e. if you are assessed as needing any of the chargeable services) which are made for some of our services. It also explains the way in which decisions are made about what, if anything, you will contribute to these charges.

View the charging information on Care and Support Services arranged with you by the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership.

If you would like to discuss your personal care needs, please contact your current care worker. The following social work team can also help:

Care services for people aged 16 and over

Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership First Contact Team Dundee House, Floor 2 50 North Lindsay Street Dundee DD1 1NF Email: (link sends e-mail) Tel: 01382 434019 Fax: 01382 200321