Dundee Integration Joint Board (DIJB) and Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership (DHSCP) contribute to making Dundee a fairer place to live. Here is the latest Equality Mainstreaming and outcomes report 2023
We work towards improving outcomes for people living in Dundee. We do this along with NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council who support us on matters of Equality, Fairness, Health Inequalities and Human Rights. You can find information on Partners' websites about equality work in their organisations.
Equality and Diversity | Dundee City Council
This part of the DHSCP website is designed to help you learn more about Equality Matters in DIJB. You should find the information on these pages useful and easy to access. We are aware that not everyone finds it easy to find information on- line; get in touch if there is anything more that can be done to make the information here more accessible for you. When needed, information on our website can be shared with you in other formats including arranging for documents to be printed or translated. Where appropriate, it is possible to speak with you about the information you want either by telephone, or in person. You should can get in touch by using the information here. Let us know if you need a BSL or Language Interpreter to support any discussions.
In 2016 Dundee Integration Joint Board became a ‘Public Body’ with duties under the Equality Act 2010. The IJB produced and published its first Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equalities Framework in 2016, which you can find here: www.dundeehscp.com/publications/equality-outcomes-and-mainstreaming-equalities-framework
The Equality Act 2010 places a general equality duty on public authorities to pay due regard to the need to:
• Eliminate discrimination;
• Advance equality; and
• Foster good relations across the range of protected characteristics.
The general equality duty identifies a range of people who are protected under equality legislation; these people have ‘Protected Characteristics’:
The Protected Characteristics are:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender Reassignment
- Pregnancy/Maternity
- Race/Ethnicity
- Religion/Belief
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
The equality duty also covers marriage and civil partnership, with regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination in employment.
The IJB Equality Mainstreaming Progress Report (2016-2018) was approved in March 2018. The report sets out the progress made in mainstreaming the equality duty and the progress made in achieving equality outcomes. You can find this Progress Report here
In 2019 the IJB agreed refreshed Equality Outcomes and produced a mainstreaming framework which can be found here:
A further two-year Equality Progress Report was published in 2021, it gives information about how Dundee IJB delivered the equality duty and achieved the equality outcomes that were set in 2019. The report provides an overview of some of the positive progress that has been made over the previous two years, as well as identifying priorities for further progress and improvement for 2021/22. You can find the report here
April 2022
After hearing from Stakeholders, members of the Public and Carers, the Integration Joint Board agreed to extend the 2019-2022 Strategic and Commissioning Plan for a further one-year period to cover April 2022 to March 2023. In order to support widespread consultation and involvement and to align equality outcomes with the Strategic and Commissioning Plan the IJB also agreed to extend the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework for a further one-year period.
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership have an Equality and Human Rights Workforce Learning Network for DHSCP colleagues from Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside, Independent and Third Sector who across the Partnership. The group formed in 2022 and aim to increase learning on equality and Human rights matters.
Anyone who wants more information or who wants to join the group should get in touch with Joyce.Barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk
Equality Impact Assessment Update 2022
Over the past few months the Health and Social Care Partnership have worked together with the Council regarding introduction of a revised process for Integrated Impact Assessments. Until August 2022 Equality Impact Assessments for Dundee IJB reports were recorded in a manner based on Dundee City Council reports. Presently a review is being undertaken to consider if this revised process will suit the needs of the IJB.
The IJB has recently agreed an improvement plan regarding Integrated Impact Assessments detailed in the following report. IJB Public Sector Equality Duty
You can request printed copies or links to any of the documents referred to on this page, including the IJB reports that each IIA relates to.
Email joyce.barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk or phone Joyce Barclay on 01382 433947. You may need to leave a voice message.