What We Do
Health and Social Care Services in Dundee
The Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership was established to bring together adult health and social care services. The new Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and its Integration Joint Board (IJB) will deliver integrated health and social care services for adults in Dundee.
Following the IJB taking responsibility for Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership on 1st April 2016, all Dundee City Council and NHS Tayside staff will continue to be employed by their existing employer.
Why Change?
Previously, it was difficult for NHS health and Local Authority social care teams to put a person's needs at the heart of decisions, because budgets and the organisation of services were separate. Our new health and social care partnership creates an organisation that operates with a single vision and a unified budget.
By changing the way we do things, we can respond to the needs of our local population. The Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership delivers services that focus on achieving the best outcomes for people in Dundee.
The partnership’s vision is illustrated by Tom’s Story. This short video shows Tom’s chronic health problems as he gets older, and outlines his experiences both before and after the formation of the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership. Tom goes from a position where he struggles to manage his health conditions with frequent hospital visits, to a point where he is able to cope better, regain his ability to live independently, and enjoy the things in life he likes to do. Our goal is to make Tom’s Story a reality for people in Dundee.