Dundee Health and Social Care partnership have joined the growing network of local services and businesses in Dundee who have signed up to the local Carers Charter. The Charter promotes good practice in working alongside unpaid carers who support people in our local community, including the many carers who combine working in Health and Social Care with caring for a friend or family member in their own time.
The Charter supports agencies and services across Dundee to consider the workforce who have caring responsibilities to achieve a healthier work/life balance as well as making pledges to Value, Support, and Involve carers.
A Taster Toolkit is available to share basic information about carers and the carers charter here .
Visit Carers Of Dundee to see a list of the organisations that have signed up so far. These include our partners who employ our colleagues - NHS Tayside, Dundee City Council and many of our Third Sector Partners.
Here is Joyce Barclay Senior Officer collecting the Charter Certificate from Neil Campbell CEO of Dundee Carers Centre.