Dundee City IJB Unaudited Annual Accounts 21/22 Final Signed  image

Dundee City IJB Unaudited Annual Accounts 21/22 Final Signed

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in terms of Section 101(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, Regulation 9(1) of the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014 and Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, that:

  • The unaudited accounts for the Dundee Integration Joint Board, commonly knowns as Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership (DHSCP), for the year to 31 March 2022, will be available for public inspection on DHSCP website during the period from 1 July 2022 to 21 July 2022. The accounts can be viewed from here.
  • Any person interested may inspect all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating to this document, other than those claimed to be of a confidential nature. Public inspection of these document is currently not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic. Any request should be emailed to the Chief Finance Officer of the Dundee Integration Joint Board who will advise how the information requested will be made available, in line with the nature of the request and the coronavirus pandemic restrictions in place at that time. No charge will be made in respect of providing information.

  • Any person interested may make object to the Accounts, or any part of those accounts, by sending his or her objections in writing, together with a statement of the grounds thereof, to the auditor by not later than 22 July 2021.  The auditor appointed to audit the accounts is Fiona Mitchell-Knight, Audit Director, Audit Scotland at fmitchell-knight@audit-scotland.gov.uk.  Any objection(s) should be sent to the auditor at the above address and copied in writing to the Chief Financial Officer of the Dundee Integration Joint Board together with any other officer of the Dundee Integration Joint Board who may be concerned both at the address below.
  • The auditor shall, if requested by the person objecting, the authority, or by any officer of the authority who may be concerned, afford to that person or authority or officer, as the case may be, an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by the Auditor with respect to that objection, either personally or by a representative. Should coronavirus restrictions be in place at the time of such a request, the opportunity to appear before the Auditor may not be possible and the Auditor will provide information regarding revised procedures.
  • The change in the process has been made in response to the coronavirus pandemic using powers contained in the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020.


David Berry CPFA

Chief Financial Officer

Dundee Integration Joint Board

Tel: 01382 433608

Email: dave.berry@dundeecity.gov.uk