Dundee IJB Integrated Impact Assessments image

Dundee IJB Integrated Impact Assessments

Integrated Impact Assessment (IA)

Impact assessment is a process that supports consideration of the potential implications of proposed actions, for people and their environment. This includes considering potential impacts for people who have Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. The assessment is expected to be completed while there is still an opportunity to consider and to modify the proposals.

The IJB has a recording tool for Integrated Impact Assessments, including Equality & Diversity; Fairness & Poverty; Environment and Corporate Risk.

Integrated Impact Assessments are published with IJB Agenda papers, one week prior to the public IJB meetings; this enables stakeholder and interested persons to read and consider impact assessments prior to the IJB meeting. They are also published on this page after the IJB meeting has taken place, alongside the report that they relate to. 

Not all IJB reports require an IIA; for example a report that informs the IJB rather than a plan that requires the  agreement of IJB to proceed. All IJB Reports are subject to a check that establishes if an IIA is required. This check is recorded on a Pre-Screening Tool, a copy of the IIA pre-screening tool for IJB reports which do not need an IIA can be requested.

You can request  printed copies, or alternative formats or links to any of the documents referred to  on this page, including the IJB reports that each IIA relates to.

Email  joyce.barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk or phone Joyce Barclay on 01382 433947. You may need to leave a voice message.

Equality Impact Assessments

An equality impact assessment is an evidence-based approach designed to help organisations ensure that their policies, practices, events and decision-making processes are fair. This is applied at all levels of decision-making, from policies to specific projects. Completion of equality impact assessments is a legal requirement under equality legislation.

Equality impact assessments support the IJB to ensure that policies, services and legislation do not discriminate against anyone and that, where possible, equality of opportunity is promoted. 

An equality impact assessment is a systematic and evidence-based tool, which enables consideration of the likely impact of work on different groups of people.

It has been agreed to publish relevant IIA from April 2022 onwards on this web page, in addition to the Impact Assessment information accompanying IJB Agenda papers.