The Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for delivering person centred adult health and social care services to the people of Dundee. The Partnership consists of Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside and providers of health and care services from across the third and independent sectors.
The Partnership is reviewing its Strategic and Commissioning Plan 2019-2022 (full version and summary version). The Partnership must review the plan at least every 3 years to check that it still contains the right vision, priorities and actions to meet the health and social care needs of adults in Dundee. Our updated strategic needs assessment has helped us to see that whilst a lot has happened in the last 3 years, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that in most areas the health and social care needs of adults in Dundee have remained very similar to those in 2019.
We would like to know what the people of Dundee think about our current vision and priorities for health and social care, particularly the views of people who use health and social care services and supports or who provide unpaid care. Please take the time to answer our two quick questions and help to shape the future of health and social care services in Dundee .
You can find the link to the survey here