Draft Health and Social Care Partnership Strategy for Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability and Adults with a Learning Disability and Autism in Dundee
On- Line Information Session
The Draft Strategy Document is in its early stages and is in the process of consideration by Dundee Integration Joint Board (IJB). The IJB are responsible for Strategies and Plans made by Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership. An information session has been arranged for you to hear more about the draft strategy and consider how you might support engagement with relevant people for us to hear more about their views. The session will be provided on line via Microsoft Teams.
Who should come to the session?
The session is aimed at representatives of local agencies and members of the workforce who support children and/or adults with a Learning Disability and children and/or adults with a Learning Disability and Autism in Dundee or their unpaid carers and family members. Other people can attend if they want to, including carers of people with support needs although the session content will be delivered with a focus on the workforce.
There will be other opportunities soon for people to share their views. The information session will tell how we plan to hear people’s views. The information session is not about learning views about the plan. We welcome hearing from you about how you might help us learn people’s views.
What will the session be about?
It will be about the draft Health and Social Care Partnership Strategy for Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability and Adults with a Learning Disability and Autism in Dundee and the engagement plan to further inform the draft Strategy.
When will the session be held?
It will on-line on 2nd March 2022 at 11 am lasting no longer than 1 hour. The session will be recorded so those who cannot make it can catch up later. There may not be much time for questions at the end but if there is the recording will stop before this. Participants will be allowed to ask additional questions by email after the session.
How do I book a place?
Email: your name, work role and your organisation/agency name to joyce.barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk to get a link to the meeting.
What if I want to give my view later when the engagement plan starts?
We will arrange publicity for future engagement opportunities and share this as widely as we can. In the meantime, if you want your details on a list because you want to be sent information about the opportunities send an email to joyce.barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk