Self Directed Support in Dundee
Self-directed Support allows people, their Carers, and their families to make informed choices about their support services; what it looks like, and how it is delivered. By taking a truly customer-focused, personalised approach, Self-directed Support is designed to ensure that it meets agreed personalised outcomes.
Having choice and control over your support is important. Personalised assessments which take into account the things important to your life ensure that you remain an equal partner in the making of decisions that affect your life. The support and care can be vital in ensuring that everyone can enjoy the same human rights of dignity, respect, equality, and social inclusion.
With the introduction of self-directed support there are now many ways in which people can access care and support. The factsheets below contain information about Self-directed support, including all available options, and how to access services and supports in Dundee.
Self Directed Support
Steps to Getting Support
Outcome Focussed Assessment
Making Your Support Plan
Making Sure it Works
Consent and Capacity
SDS Option 1
SDS Option 2
SDS Option 3
SDS Option 4
Eligibility Criteria
Are you Eligible for Support ? Leaflet
Charging for Care and Support