Making Recovery Real in Dundee image

Making Recovery Real in Dundee

In November 2015, the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership in conjunction with the Scottish Recovery Network launched a new initiative called “Making Recovery Real”. This project is the result of a partnership between a range of organisations from health and social care, and the third sector who work with people recovering from mental health issues. This partnership came together to promote and advance mental health recovery in Dundee.

By listening to, and involving people who have a lived experience of mental health issues, this project will develop recovery approaches to mental health which are entirely person-centred. By working with many mental health organisations in Dundee, Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and the Scottish Recovery Network (link is external) are supporting this initiative and are committed to developing genuine mental health recovery in Dundee.

This project will address three priorities over the next two years:

  • Place lived experience of mental health at the centre of all activities
  • Develop a strategic vision for recovery in Dundee
  • Improve the experiences and outcomes for people using mental health services.

In working to achieve these three priorities, this project will bring people together with the aim of ensuring that people recovering from mental health problems have greater choice and control over their lives.

There is already a strong commitment to recovery approaches in Dundee. This initiative will work with services, decision makers, and people who have lived experience to transform this commitment into reality.

The main aims of this initiative are to ensure that people who have experienced the challenge of mental health conditions are listened to, and that their experiences are valued. In drawing upon the lived experiences of people with mental health issues, services and support can be developed to help people to take control of their recovery, and to enjoy full, satisfying lives.

Latest News

Minister for Mental Health Visits Making Recover Real

Maureen Watt, Minister for Mental Health paid a visit to Making Recovery Real in Dundee on the 19th of June 2017. The visit gave people in Dundee the chance to discuss their concerns about mental health and recovery in Dundee. You can read more about it here.


Sharing Recovery Stories 'Get Together'

On the 26th of January 2017, an event was held where people could become more involved with Making Recover Real in Dundee as well as to share stories based upon thier lived experiences of recovery in Dundee.

Wellness Recovery Action Planning - Two-day Workshop

A workshop was held in March 2017 to discuss the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). WRAP is a self-management tool which was developed in 1997 by Mary Ellen Copeland. It enables people to participate fully in the managerment of their own mental health and wellbeing.

Our Partners

Making Recovery Real in Dundee is the result of a partnership of organisations from health and social care, and the third sector, people with lived experience, and their carers. All are concerned with promoting and advancing mental health recovery. You can find information about our partners here.

The Scottish Recovery Network (link is external)

NHS Tayside (link is external)

Dundee Voluntary Action (link is external)

Dundee Association for Mental Health (link is external)

Hearing Voices Network (link is external)

Penumbra (link is external)

The Richmond Fellowship (link is external)

SAMH (link is external)

Art Angel (link is external)

Dundee Independent Advocacy Support