Planning for Excellence in Health and Social Care image

Planning for Excellence in Health and Social Care


The Dundee Integration Joint Board (IJB) is the group of people responsible for planning, agreeing and monitoring community-based health, social work and social care services for adults. They must agree a plan that sets out the IJB’s ambition and priorities for health, social work and social care services in Dundee and how they plan to use the resources they have to make this ambition a reality. The plan also describes how health and social care services will be delivered and improved; these are the services delivered by Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership. The Health and Social Care Partnership is the place where Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside and some organisations in the third and independent sector work together to deliver the services and supports the IJB has planned and agreed.

 In 2022 the IJB reviewed their plan and decided to extend it for one more year while they worked to produce a new replacement.  The IJB agreed the new plan in June 2023.  You can read The Plan for Excellence in Health and Social Care in Dundee: Strategic Commissioning Framework 2023-2033 here:

Some alternative formats have also been published:

The new plan has been developed through working with the Health and Social Care Partnership, hearing from people who use health and social care services and supports, unpaid carers and members of the public, members of the health and social care workforce and the workforce in partner agencies.   A summary of this activity and the information that people provided is available here.


As part of the process of developing and agreeing the new plan the IJB considered an Integrated Impact Assessment. This is a process that helps the IJB to understand the impact, both good and bad, the ambition, priorities and changes in the plan might have on specific groups of people. This includes people who have Protected Characteristics (under the Equality Act 2010) and people who are impacted by poverty and poor social circumstances (sometimes called Fairness issues). 



Now that the new plan has been agreed, work has started on some other important documents that will help to make sure that the ambition, priorities and changes included in it happen in practice. These documents are:

  • Annual delivery plan – Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership will publish an annual delivery plan each year to tell people the specific actions it will take to make sure change happens.
  • Performance framework – the IJB will publish a performance framework that will set out how they will measure progress towards making the changes set out in the plan, and how they will tell the public about the progress that is being made.
  • Resource framework – the IJB will publish a resource framework that will describe in more detail the financial resources they have and how they plan to use them. It will also set out how the IJB will work with Dundee City Council and NHS Tayside to secure the workforce, property and digital resources that are needed to deliver the ambition for health and social care in Dundee.

Once these documents are ready they will be published and you will be able to access them from this page.